We created a physical model as part of our proposal for Halo based on the above Grasshopper definition. The base massing is a cylinder with arches subtracted from it. The definition starts with a circle an evenly divided points. To create random sized arches, the points are placed in groups of two adjacent points and those groups are randomly reduced to the number of arches selected. The arches then span each neighbor from a group. The crystalline interior is created with 3 rows of equally spaced points. The position of points of the middle row are randomly adjusted and the points are used to create Voronoi cells. The middle row is culled out and the arches are subtracted form that. Tubes are added to the exterior at even spacing and then the arches are also subtracted form those. Here is a version of the GH definition: Halo_Model.zip

The crystalline structure was 3D printed in four sections and assembled. Dichroic film was laser cut for the inner faces of the crystalline structure.
A light study before the tubes were added on the outside of the cylinder.

White nylon tubes were cut to length and applied to the outside of the cylinder with laser cut rings that accept the tubes.